About Us
The Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence
Who We Are
The Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence (AzCASE) is Arizona’s leading statewide advocate and information resource for promoting high quality, affordable and accessible out-of-school time programs as an essential component in the positive development of Arizona’s youth.
Our Vision
All children and youth learn and achieve success in a community dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential.
Our Mission
To promote accessible, high-quality expanded learning opportunities for all Arizona children and youth by focusing on professional development, advocacy, and capacity building in the out-of-school time community.
What We Do
Because young people spend 80% of their waking hours outside of school, the Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence is dedicated to improving public awareness and support for learning and personal development in those out-of-school hours. AzCASE serves as a hub for advocacy, public awareness, collaboration, and partnerships to advance out-of-school time programming.
Public Awareness and Information Resource
- Increase communication and awareness about the role of out-of-school time programming to support the vital role of out-of-school-time programs in a child’s intellectual, social, emotional and physical development through the media, meetings, workshops, summits, and other communication venues.
- Serve as a centralized point of contact for information and resources including professional development opportunities.
- Serve as a resource center of best practices, cutting edge programs, curriculum and research about how to best impact a child’s successful academic, social and emotional outcomes
- Serve as a catalyst for fostering partnerships and promoting collaboration.
- Develop a network of diverse stakeholders for children, youth and families to promote the expansion, affordability and accessibility of quality out-of-school time programs for all children
- Support statewide partners and youth-based coalitions addressing the local community needs of children and providers.
- Lead the public discourse on the value of out-of-school time programming and advocate for increased public and private investment in proven practices.
- Assist in developing and advocating for statewide quality standards and assessment methods for out of-school-time programs.
- Advocate for local, state and federal legislative and regulatory initiatives supporting the expansion, affordability and accessibility of quality out-of-school time programs
Professional Development and Recognition
- Sponsor an annual statewide Out-of-School Time Professional Development Conference for out-of-school time staff and administrators to keep abreast of best practices, new curriculum and the latest research about youth development in the out-of-school hours
- Recognize and celebrate out-of-school time professional and educational leaders at an annual Arizona Out-of-School Time Awards of Excellence luncheon attended by educators and business and community leaders who share our commitment to build a strong statewide educational system for all children.
Our Partners
Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence has a broad network of partners that span the state, leading and supporting out-of-school time efforts in urban and suburban regions of Arizona. Our partners are diverse, and include school districts, educators and administrators, higher education institutions, state and local political leaders, nonprofit and community-based organizations, local businesses, and out-of-school time program providers.
Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence is the Arizona Affiliate of the National AfterSchool Association. NAA and its State Affiliates share a mutual purpose and agreement to support, develop, and advocate for Out-of-School Time professionals and the profession. NAA and its State Affiliates build connectivity among stakeholders and create opportunities for engagement to ensure a vibrant future for the Out-of-School Time profession.
OST professionals who are not currently paid NAA members and live in Arizona, our state affiliation and a School’s Out, Make It Count Conference registration make you eligible for a free NAA membership. If you prefer, NAA membership may be purchased directly from NAA on a sliding scale from $25 to $150.