About the Directory
What is the AZ Afterschool Directory?
The Arizona Afterschool Directory is a free resource for parents to search for out-of-school time (OST) programs by location, services, ages of the youth served, and other criteria and view the findings on a map-based interface.
The Arizona Afterschool Directory
AzCASE’s Afterschool Directory is Arizona’s only comprehensive, state-wide, bilingual resource that brings together providers and parents to expand access to quality OST programs that are critical to youth development.
To date there are 1,500 programs in the Directory, including school-year and highlighted summer sites, which gives parents information to help in their decision-making and to find programs that fit their children—programs that inspire and excite youth, keep them safe, and involve them in quality programs offering activities that are engaging, enriching, and skill-building for success in school and in life.
The Directory increases visibility of the programs around Arizona and is a valuable resource to OST providers for marketing their programs. With the information program providers include, providers can track their own offerings across programs, complete with graphs generated on the organizational dashboard and the Google-synced map, making it a private, comprehensive organizational tool. The data gathered privately is a powerful policy tool for AzCASE to use in our advocacy for expansion and funding of OST programs, to strengthen the delivery and accessibility of programs statewide, making this resource a valuable tool for everyone in Arizona.
AZ Afterschool Directory 2.0
In Spring 2015, AzCASE re-launched the Directory with a newer interface, making it more user-friendly and adding new features and information.
There are expanded search options for parents and for Make it Count! Pledge Signer programs, who are involved in our statewide continuous quality efforts; this commitment to quality will be identified on the Directory with our new icons and banners.
This launch of the Directory’s new look and this critical stage of updating the programs listed was just the first part of the campaign to make the Directory more accessible and resourceful for parents and providers. As we continue to be the number one resource for parents and providers to find and achieve quality, AzCASE will carry on our public outreach in Arizona.